In 2007, the iPhone was one of the most anticipated mobile releases as the first major smartphone to hit the market with a spectacular display, sleek design and unique interface. It introduced easy-to-use apps already built in with the option for users to download their own third-party apps. With great Web surfing, push e-mails and the ability to also act as an iPod for music, the iPhone quickly became the “it” phone.

Lately, that reference to Apple’s product has slipped away as Google’s Android has raced ahead in market share and number of apps on their Google Play Store. With less innovative products coming to fruition and still seen as a high-end device, Apple has taken the chance to cosmetically update their operating system for the first time since their 2007 release. This major facelift in design affects color scheme and typography while presenting an overall modern flat look. With inspiration coming from historical designers, Olympic events, and perhaps even the 1977 rainbow color themed logo, Apple appears to have looked to Android for updates as well. To learn more, refer to our iOS7 Design + Development Need To Knows blogpost.


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